Best Answer: Do they smell very pungent? White streaks in the stools can be steatorrhoea. Steatorrhoea is fat in the stools. It makes them white, smelly. I've heard that white streaks or spots in stool without any further symptoms can simply be fat leaving the system, is this true? Posted by thesho1985 What Does Mucus in the Stool Mean? |
White lines in Stools? - Yahoo! Answers
infant 4weeks having white stool with streaks of blood? | Healia.
You sound concerned and your baby sounds very uncomfortble. Babies' stools tend to change color through the first few weeks of life and bleeding can sometimes be. There are two types of streaks that can occur. The first is a... Why Does My Child Have Clay White Stool? Clay or pale white stools in children result from the lack of bile.
I've heard that white streaks or spots in stool without any.
stool with white streaks my kid's white poop | The Intellectual Appreciation of Poop Humor.